Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Paperwork. Yet another slip of paper has arrived in my pigeon-hole. If I cared to spend the time and energy analysing the components of my job as a midwife I have this sneaking suspicion that there would be a 50/50 split between my role as a midwife and the attendant paperwork deluged upon me from above. I'm not including in this any paperwork, directly concerned with my contact with my patients (I like to call them 'patients' or 'Mums' because 'clients', which is what I apparently should call them, sounds far to formal). Allied to the extraneous paperwork my overlords require I complete are mandatory study days. These range from obstetric emergencies, understandable, to fire lectures. Why would I want to attend one of these EVERY year. I don't work in the hospital. I drive around visiting people in their homes or conduct clinics in G.P surgeries. Does the Fire Officer cover this in his lecture. No. Why do I go then? Is there a lecture to advise me what to do if I'm called out in the middle of the night to an isolated address only to find that it's a hoax and there's a loony there? No. Have I received any advise on self-defence? No.Do I feel undervalued? No comment. In this area the on-call doctors have a taxi service taking them on visits, they also have a green light on the roof of the marked vehicle. Please, could someone explain to me why I'm required to travel alone in the middle of the night, often to addresses up to 30 miles away. Also why have I not been issued with some type of light warning other road users that I may be attempting to reach a destination urgently. I feel that me arriving quickly to deliver a baby may be somewhat more urgent than a doctor visiting someone with the flu.
Expectant daughter is blossoming. Baby is growing quickly now. We had a discussion last night about homebirth. Fecund one has decided that this is the choice for her. As a midwife I'm backing her 100%, as her Mum I'm adjusting to her decision. Schizophrenic, me?

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