Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Good weekend. Saturday we were visited by sister, BIL (brother-in-law) and niece1. BIL sorted out my inability to load google toolbar, an insult to his capabilities since he is a computer whiz, but jolly hany for me! He also has his own blog which an amazing site. It means that before phoning I can check if my sister is home. Sunday we had all offspring + partners around. This was due to expanding one losing her brain rapidly. Information mutates as it is given to her and so instead of 'come and see auntie etc on Saturday' her siblings were advised to come to lunch on Sunday. Luckily I was forewarned of the slip by her brother phoning up to find what time they should come. I have a theory that a pregnant womans brain gradually emigrates to her abdomen supplying the infant with intelligence. Following the birth the womans brain slowly redevelops, not reaching its full capabilities for about 3 months. It was good to have them all together though. Today is eldest daughters birthday. 27 years ago it snowed on this day and a true eccentric was born.

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