Sunday, February 29, 2004

Pregnant one is back from snowboarding. 30 weeks now, blooming. Had to buy a new plastic belly bar as she had outgrown the old one. Personally I think it looks painful. It's inflammed and looks very unattractive with a white plastic bar through it. Although it's better than without, her partner said that looked like an open wound! Went baby shopping on Friday. Mothercare - disappointing, they sell cribs, but not the fitted sheets. Mama's & Papa's, sorry, she and I are not higher wage earners. John Lewis - brilliant, crib + fitted sheets. BHS, good for babygros + vests, Boots, all Mums needs (packing emergency bag, just in case) and Winnie-the-Pooh changing mat, cheaper than J.L. I have got to start sorting out the bedroom here so unborn one will be comfy at Noonies. Title yet to be sorted. Grandad is remaining aloof from everything at the moment. The only time he pays any attention is if pregnant daughter has arguement with partner, then he worries she may return and he will be in the realms of sleepless nights. Really not sure why that concerns him, we had three babies, and he only woke once!

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Well, in answer to previous posting. No, don't panic about cheques wandering lost around the world, just cancel them. Real downside though, it costs £7.50 to cancel a cheque. My bargain from e.bay has turned out to be not such a bargain. I shall, of course, be discussing my situation with the postmaster and asking if I can expect any recompense, I will update when I receive a reply.
I have just had my yearly supervisory interview. This is when my suitability to continue practicing as a midwife is tested. We discuss my professional development etc. Its not the same thing as an IPR, not entirely sure of the difference but one is conducted by a supervisor of midwives whilst the other is conducted by a manager, who is also a supervisor of midwives! To be fair that is coincidence. It all went OK though so I can carry on for another year!The pregnant one is still away, she returns tomorrow. According to text messages it is like a winter wonderland in Italy. Why is it a Winter Wonderland in Italy, but a disaster when snow falls in England?

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

The expectant one goes snowboarding tomorrow. Am I worried? No. Believe that and you will believe anything! I mean flying, when 7 months pregnant. Supposing baby puts in a appearance early. I won't be there. It will be Italian. Will immigration let it back in? She's flying Ryanair, will baby be Irish?
Right, a conundrum. Eldest daughter has a cat. He's 7 months old and was found as a stray aged approx 10 weeks. Lovely boy, but loves his freedom. She's just moved and now has a cat flap. In and out he goes, of anybodies cat flap. He loves the company of other cats. Should she get him a friend? If so what age?
Got my pushchair. Bargain from e-Bay. No trouble, easy transaction, picked it up. Also bid on, and won a Fisher-Price Activity chair and a bouncing chair, sent off my cheques, and have heard nothing, shall I panic?

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Paperwork. Yet another slip of paper has arrived in my pigeon-hole. If I cared to spend the time and energy analysing the components of my job as a midwife I have this sneaking suspicion that there would be a 50/50 split between my role as a midwife and the attendant paperwork deluged upon me from above. I'm not including in this any paperwork, directly concerned with my contact with my patients (I like to call them 'patients' or 'Mums' because 'clients', which is what I apparently should call them, sounds far to formal). Allied to the extraneous paperwork my overlords require I complete are mandatory study days. These range from obstetric emergencies, understandable, to fire lectures. Why would I want to attend one of these EVERY year. I don't work in the hospital. I drive around visiting people in their homes or conduct clinics in G.P surgeries. Does the Fire Officer cover this in his lecture. No. Why do I go then? Is there a lecture to advise me what to do if I'm called out in the middle of the night to an isolated address only to find that it's a hoax and there's a loony there? No. Have I received any advise on self-defence? No.Do I feel undervalued? No comment. In this area the on-call doctors have a taxi service taking them on visits, they also have a green light on the roof of the marked vehicle. Please, could someone explain to me why I'm required to travel alone in the middle of the night, often to addresses up to 30 miles away. Also why have I not been issued with some type of light warning other road users that I may be attempting to reach a destination urgently. I feel that me arriving quickly to deliver a baby may be somewhat more urgent than a doctor visiting someone with the flu.
Expectant daughter is blossoming. Baby is growing quickly now. We had a discussion last night about homebirth. Fecund one has decided that this is the choice for her. As a midwife I'm backing her 100%, as her Mum I'm adjusting to her decision. Schizophrenic, me?

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I seem to keep losing my blogs. Why? I know they are not the most scintillating pieces of prose but they are better than some. I've just spent ages on eBay looking for a three-in-one travel system for my soon to be grandchild. There are loads to go for but....when you take the p&p into consideration they work out quite expensive, I think I'll stick with the local rag, at least that way I can see before I buy. I've just had two days off work with a gastric virus. No peace though as K keeps phoning with problems etc. As I've said, I do love my job. I made a mistake though. I did a search for midwives + blogs and read some. The expectant Mums in the results didn't have a kind word to say about their midwife. Being Mrs Paranoia I know that I am their midwife and that they think I am grumpy, fat and the nastiest person they have ever come across. I'm really sad now. I'm not sure I still love my job. Today my youngest cat, I have 3, went and had his testicles, or their contents, removed. It hasn't affected him at all. I havn't seen my husband all day, perhaps he feels threatened.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Good weekend. Saturday we were visited by sister, BIL (brother-in-law) and niece1. BIL sorted out my inability to load google toolbar, an insult to his capabilities since he is a computer whiz, but jolly hany for me! He also has his own blog which an amazing site. It means that before phoning I can check if my sister is home. Sunday we had all offspring + partners around. This was due to expanding one losing her brain rapidly. Information mutates as it is given to her and so instead of 'come and see auntie etc on Saturday' her siblings were advised to come to lunch on Sunday. Luckily I was forewarned of the slip by her brother phoning up to find what time they should come. I have a theory that a pregnant womans brain gradually emigrates to her abdomen supplying the infant with intelligence. Following the birth the womans brain slowly redevelops, not reaching its full capabilities for about 3 months. It was good to have them all together though. Today is eldest daughters birthday. 27 years ago it snowed on this day and a true eccentric was born.
Programmer at work! Webcam (x3) and my blog.
Well. I'm blowed. I wrote an entry, included this link and it all disappeared. Then I found the entry but not the blog. Confused, you will be. Its not even as if I am pregnant, I would have an excuse then for a mal-functioning brain.