Thursday, March 09, 2006

The history of a Midwife

There was once a girl who had a dream, nothing amazing, just a yearning that one day she would be a midwife. She knew what it was all about, her Mother had been a midwife and she had accompanied her in her daily work sitting in a metal seat on the back of her Mum's bike. Sometimes it was pretty boring, she would have to sit in some strangers front room for ages, if she was lucky she would have a glass of juice and a biscuit and the radio would be on, there might even be another child there, but after a while her Mum would come in to the room, her face would be flushed, her hair damp but she would be smiling in a way her Mum hardly ever smiled. Then she would be taken upstairs, into a bedroom, where a lady would be sitting in a bed holding a beautiful, tiny pink baby in her arms. Most of the time she would be allowed to peep at this special present her Mummy had bought the lady, and if the lady knew her she could stroke it's soft, warm face and watch as the baby turned its head to her careful fingers, sometimes it would try and catch her fingers in it's mouth, then everyone would laugh and say they hoped her hands were clean. When the girl started school she couldn't go with her Mum anymore, but she always remembered those special times, and when other children said they were going to be ballerinas or singers, or gymnasts, she knew that one day she would go to peoples houses and make them happy, all the other things were good to dream about, but her job would be special, and she knew that she could do it.

To be continued

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