Friday, December 23, 2005

I blog so intermittently here that it wasn't until I had mail from Rosellen I remembered about being an 'expectant Grandmother'. Since my last post I have been an expectant Grandmother again, different daughter this time, and entirely different outcome. This pregnancy started off well but from 32 weeks on went downhill. I was sharing her care with a friend/colleague so had really not laid my hands on much, observation was causing me concerns though, she looked 'large for dates'. Eventually I could restrain myself no longer and asked her if we could have a listen to baby, this gave me an excuse to have a feel of her lump. Sure enough, at 32 weeks she was the size I would expect at 36, and when I tapped the side of her lump I could feel vibrations in the hand I had placed the other side, whoops, polyhydramnios, this is when there is an excess of fluid surrounding the baby. Baby also felt quite large and was super active. I immediately referred her to a consultant, when she palpated she disagreed with my findings, to the extent that she also felt baby was breech, I requested that we scan to make sure. Suffice to say that I was right, fluid ++, large baby and head down. With these findings they then conducted a detailed scan to rule out problems with baby, luckily they didn't find any, but they did estimate that baby's weight was above the 90th centile. Her care was now with the medics, and they let her so 12 days past her due date before they induced labour. Everything was against this being a success, small Mum, large baby, head not engaged, thick meconium liqour when they broke her waters (baby had had it's bowels open), 14 hours on the drip with strong contractions and no progress, yes, it was an emergency section. I now have a beautiful Grand-daughter though, 9lbs 12ozs at birth and has never looked back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Expectant Grandmother, I was looking for similar blogs to mine, and found yours and enjoyed the description of your latest granddaughter's arrival.

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