Wednesday, July 21, 2004

So here I am preparing to go away on a last minute break. Hubby and I were not going to have a holiday this year due to the expense, yes it is expensive, of our first Grandchild. We are still not going away, but I am! How mean is that? It's my sisters 30 + 10 birthday and she asked me to go away with her, how could I refuse? We are off to Minorca for 5 days, my favourite Balearic, just us. I am so excited. Now don't do feeling too sorry for Hubby, he goes on two golfing holidays per year so he's not exactly hard-done-by.
The best thing is though, no work. I know I love my job but that doesn't mean that it is not stressful. It is. People expect so much of you. We now have to give everyone our mobile numbers so they are always calling. If it's important, that's fine, but sometimes it is so trivial, and often not connected to their pregnancy at all and then it is really difficult not to sound irritated. They also expect you to be on-call for them around the clock, I have a life as well. If my caseload were smaller, at the moment it's 180 women, then it may be possible, but as it is there are not enough days in the week, on-call as well would be impossible. Two 24 hour on-calls per week are enough I think.
Grandson is growing daily. He's 12 weeks old now and has more than doubled his birth weight, he is still totally breastfed so daughter obviously has some good stuff there.
I'm off now to give the grass it's final cut before I go away.

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