Saturday, February 18, 2006

When I started this blog I was entering a new phase of my life, Grandparenthood, I was finding the whole concept truly daunting, and really had no one to share my apprehensions with. I didn't know anyone, female or close to me, who was anywhere near this monumentous transition. The blog was my way of expressing myself. I certainly had no idea, two years ago, that I would find myself almost constantly being an 'Expectant Grandmother'.
Well I'm a Grandmother now, and still feel just like I did before I was elevated a generation. I haven't stopped being immature, I'm still dying my hair whatever bright colour takes my fancy and I still leap-frog bollards with my sister. My life has changed though. My relationship with my daughters has blossomed into something so special that I feel I am the luckiest person on earth. Friends and colleagues berate me for the way I am always there for them, but I love the feeling that I am useful again. With my children I found that we reached a point, very gradually, where I was superfluous to requirements, I was their Mother, no more, no less. Now, once again I am 'needed'. This sounds very one-sided, it's not, we have evolved into an organism that functions symbiotically, we are all there for each other, physically and emotionally. In these days of the 'nuclear' family we are building our 'throwback' family, our house is the nest where everyone congregates, sisters gossip, cousins play, Father and Son discuss the footie, Mum and Daughter give each other facials, Grandad crawls round the floor pretending to be a horse, monster, whatever. Would I go back to how things were before? Never. I had always known that I wanted to be a Mother, I had thought, as the children grew up, that it would be good to be a Grandmother to have babies around again, I had never realised quite how much it would enrich my life and change relationships, I recommend it!

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