Sunday, September 23, 2007

Time has flown, again but here I am again. Still the same old midwife, the only new thing is that I now have 2 new Grandchildren. I am sooo greedy. First there was Jack, then Amy, then Izzy and now we have Jamie and Louis as well. Our little peas in a pod were born, by elective C-Section, on the 23rd August which was 4 weeks before their due date. Jamie came out first weighing 6lbs 2ozs, followed 1 minute later by Louis weighing 5lbs 15ozs. The first couple of days with little Lou were a bit worrying, he had to have CPAP as his breathing was not particularly effective, and then a careless nurse gave him an overdose of gentamycin (can cause deafness, we don't know yet if it has) but now both babies are thriving. They are freakily identical, Jamie has the distinction of wearing nail-varnish on one toe nail so we know which is which, ok unless he is dressed, then its a guessing game!
The Maternity Services are gradually disintigrating around us, but we are soldiering bravely on. My job-share partner left in the middle of August, she will be replaced at some point in October and so her replacement should be up and running by the beginning of November. Nice little cost-saving exercise, half a salary for 2 months but not especially good for my stress levels.