Sunday, September 03, 2006

Daughter had her scan, and all was well. Baby 'Poppy' was lying there with his/her legs wide open so they know what sex baby is, I don't want to know, but Jack keeps telling me!
'Poppy's' Daddy has just had a bowel resection performed for acute diverticulitis, apparently it all went well but he will be off work for 2 months, gulp.

At work we just had a really difficult/sad case. One of the G.P's I work with called me in and showed me a letter he had just received from a specialist unit regarding a 16 year old patient the practice had referred to them. This teenager had presented at the surgery on numerous occasions with lethargy and headaches, she had been prescribed ibuprofen and amitriptyline, but to no effect. The G.P had referred her to the local hospital's paediatric department who had done every test imaginable, including an MRI scan, but they admitted defeat and suggested referral to the tertiary unit. At the specialist unit they had reviewed all her test results and decided to start the consultation with a complete physical. Chest exam, nothing but the abdominal examination had revealed a 30+ week pregnancy. When questioned the teenager had maintained that she was having regular periods, no one had thought to do a pregnancy test! Anyway, she was scanned and the gestation was estimated at being 36 weeks but she denied having had sex. The Doc told me that he had informed Social Services about her as she wanted to put the baby up for adoption at birth, he had also told them that I would be getting in touch, her Mother knew everything. I phoned the girl the next day, but Mother answered the phone and the entire conversation had to be conducted through her. Yes, I was welcome to call round, but I must park round the corner as everyone knows my car, and I must put my equipment in a carrier bag so that no one thinks that I am there professionally! I complied. I left there certain that the adoption decision was the Mother's, as far as she is concerned this is a huge inconvenience, at first she was demanding a section so that it was over and done with this week. After a long chat I managed to talk her out of that one but all she was worried about was her daughter having 'it' in time for her to be able to go back to school when the new term starts. I am so worried about this young girl, she is now saying that the pregnancy is a result of a rape following her drink being spiked, apparently she is gradually remembering the 'attack'. The support she is receiving, at the moment, from her family is fantastic, but she is having to do everything their way. She is not allowed to tell her friends about this, the attack, the pregnancy, the birth, the baby, nothing, she is expected to give birth and give away a baby with only the people in her house to talk to. If any other person knows, me, Social Services, the G.P, Mum is always there as well so she can never really express her emotions. I really fear for her emotional health.