Saturday, May 22, 2004

I have been away - now I'm back! While I have been away I have become a Grandmother. He was born in April, didn't have the homebirth that was planned, baby showed his displeasure at labour progressing quickly by dropping his heart rate so in went daughter to local hospital where, one hour later, she presented Jack to the world. Text book birth and, so far, a text book new baby. At birth he weighed in at 6lbs 5ozs and last week he weighed 8lbs 6ozs, Mum's milk is obviously suiting him!
I have another blog hence my absence from Bloggers.I defected due to easier blogging and a cameradarie built up through commenting. Passing through I decided to checkout my good old blogger and noted that things had changed, I'll give it a go.
I'm still the often angry middle-aged woman that I was so if you are hoping to read lovely happy little entries involving chubby-cheeked infants, log-out now. I need somewhere to vent my frustrations, especially concerning the health service, and this is going to be the place